(1)System clock. It display clock and date of system. Click on it for bold text selection.
(2)Indicate if clock must be activate.
(3)Exec type for clock application.
(4)Exec path to launch when click on clock.
(5)Memory monitor. It display Chip and Fast memory status.
(6)Indicate if memory monitor must be activate.
(7)Exec type for memory application.
(8)Exec path to launch when click on memory monitor.
(9)CPU activity monitor. Led colors can be defined on Lamp.mcp MUI class:
- from 0 to 50%: Lamp_Color_Ok
- from 51 to 75% : Lamp_Color_Warning
- from 76 to 99% : Lamp_Color_Error
- 100% : Lamp_Color_FatalError
(10)Indicate if CPU activity montor must be activate.
(11)Exec type for CPU activity application.
(12)Exec path to launch when click on CPU activity monitor.
(13)Default printer monitor. It display the name of default printer.
(14)Indicate if default printer monitor must be activate.
(15)Exec type for default printer application.
(16)Exec path to launch when click on default printer monitor.
(17)Online monitor. Status and connection time will display when your modem will be online. (Internet, fax, minitel, FTP,...)
(18)Indicate if online monitor must be activate.
(19)Exec type for online application.
(20)Exec path to launch when click on online monitor.
(21)Indicate if online monitor must allways appear or only when modem connected.
(22)Device name used for modem connection.
(23)Unit number used by defined device.
(24)Free space disk monitor. It display status of free space from all volumes defined on Workbench.
(25)Indicate if free space disk monitor must be activate.
(26)Exec type for free space disk application.
(27)Exec path to launch when click on free space disk monitor.
(A)Save the configuration
(B)About Workbench2000...
(C)MUI configuration for Workbench2000
(D)Exit from prefs window