(1) | System clock. It display clock and date of system. Click on it for bold text selection. |
(2) | Indicate if clock must be activate. |
(3) | Exec type for clock application. |
(4) | Exec path to launch when click on clock. |
(5) | Memory monitor. It display Chip and Fast memory status. |
(6) | Indicate if memory monitor must be activate. |
(7) | Exec type for memory application. |
(8) | Exec path to launch when click on memory monitor. |
(9) | CPU activity monitor. Led colors can be defined on Lamp.mcp MUI class:
- from 0 to 50%: Lamp_Color_Ok
- from 51 to 75% : Lamp_Color_Warning
- from 76 to 99% : Lamp_Color_Error
- 100% : Lamp_Color_FatalError |
(10) | Indicate if CPU activity montor must be activate.
(11) | Exec type for CPU activity application. |
(12) | Exec path to launch when click on CPU activity monitor. |
(13) | Default printer monitor. It display the name of default printer. |
(14) | Indicate if default printer monitor must be activate. |
(15) | Exec type for default printer application. |
(16) | Exec path to launch when click on default printer monitor. |
(17) | Online monitor. Status and connection time will display when
your modem will be online. (Internet, fax, minitel, FTP,...) |
(18) | Indicate if online monitor must be activate. |
(19) | Exec type for online application. |
(20) | Exec path to launch when click on online monitor. |
(21) | Indicate if online monitor must allways appear or only when modem connected. |
(22) | Device name used for modem connection. |
(23) | Unit number used by defined device. |
(24) | Free space disk monitor. It display status of free space from all volumes defined on Workbench. |
(25) | Indicate if free space disk monitor must be activate. |
(26) | Exec type for free space disk application. |
(27) | Exec path to launch when click on free space disk monitor. |
| |
(A) | Save the configuration |
(B) | About Workbench2000... |
(C) | MUI configuration for Workbench2000 |
(D) | Exit from prefs window |